The annual lecture course Advances in Molecular Biology and Genetics  is organized by the Institute of Molecular Genetics and the Center for PhD programs in biomedicine at Charles University and the Czech Academy of Sciences. The purpose of the course is to provide PhD students and junior scientists in biomedicine with information on the most recent advances in the fields of molecular and cellular biology, genetics, developmental biology, biomedicine, and relevant biotechnologies.

Since 2015, the faculty of the MPI-CBG has been involved in teaching this course:

In 2015:

  • Pavel Tomancak: Drosophila as a model system to study developmental processes
  • Nadine Vastenhouw: Zebrafish genome activation
  • Moritz Kreysing: The origin of life

In 2017:

  • Nadine Vastenhouw: Zebrafish genome activation
  • Pavel Tomancak: Drosophila as a model system to study developmental processes

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Dresden-Prague Science Exchange Seminar Series
Joint events of IMG and MPI-CBG scientists
Advances in Molecular Biology and Genetics
Currently open