The Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics (MPI-CBG) in Dresden is one of the world’s leading institutes in the field of molecular cell and developmental biology. It was established in 1998 by the Max Planck Society, which is Germany’s leading non-profit research organisation promoting first and foremost basic research and one of the most successful scientific organizations world-wide as evidenced by 18 Nobel Prizes to date.

Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics

MPI-CBG started its activities in Dresden in 2001. By founding the MPI-CBG just after the first four eukaryotic genomes had been sequenced, including the human genome, the Max Planck Society responded to a new challenge in biological research: molecular cell biology in the post-genomic era. Research at the MPI-CBG focuses on the structure and dynamic organization of cells and tissues in several model organisms with a view towards understanding cellular function, how cells forms tissues, the molecular basis of tissue morphogenesis and development, and the molecular basis of cell and tissue specialisation. Research groups at MPI-CBG adopt biochemical, biophysical, structural, genetic, and developmental or systems approaches to provide the maximum insight into their respective research questions.